

In today’s face paced world, stress and ready to eat processed food have become an integral part of everyone’s life. As a result, high blood pressure has become a common illness and you hear of people in their 30’s and 40’s on prescription medication for hypertension. High blood pressure puts extra strain on your blood vessels, heart, kidney, brain and eyes. Persistent high blood pressure can increase your risk of a number of serious and potentially life-threatening health conditions.

Lower your blood pressure with simple lifestyle changes

Why Ahara

What Ahara Can do?

  • Our individualized plans address all aspects of care and include customized diet and nutrition plans, glycemic control, psychological, emotional, and behavioral well-being resources and focus on the management as well as prevention of complications
  • With a science based, comprehensive multidisciplinary approach we aim to manage the disease holistically and where possible reverse it with compliance
  • As the patient regains optimal health and the condition is managed, the focus is on sustaining it long-term with a personalized lifestyle management program.